'Snickers' Energy Balls

My favourite no bake treat, these little balls of joy are healthy, easy to make and taste just like snickers!! They’re a great post work out snack as the peanut butter and nuts are an awesome energy booster and great for bone health too. The chia seeds and flaxseed powder are both excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids, rich in antioxidants, and they provide fibre, iron, and calcium. The oats help to control a healthy blood sugar level whilst cocoa powder (in its raw form) has an inexplicable quality to stabilise blood pressure. Chocolate has a bad name because of all the unhealthy additives in shop bought chocolate, but raw cocoa is magic and very beneficial to us.

You’ve got to give these a try - when you see how delicious and simple they are to make, you won't be going to the shop to buy 'protein bars' that are full of a lot of other nasties. These balls are 100% natural (as long as you use natural peanut butter) and vegan, so they’re completely cruelty and guilt free. Also, as they’re raw, you don't even need to cook them. If you’d like to make a gluten free version, just use gluten free oats.


Makes approx. 30 Balls

1 cup natural peanut butter (or you can use Almond or Cashew Butter if you'd prefer)
1/2 cup flaxseed/linseed powder
2 cups oats
4 tbsp cocoa powder
2/3 cup maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla essence
4 tbsp chia seeds
Crushed or whole nuts + extra seeds of your choice


  1. Melt the peanut butter in a saucepan for around 3 minutes to get a liquid form, making sure all of the natural oils are well blended. Once it’s soft, take off the heat and set aside
  2. Combine all of the dry ingredients into a separate mixing bowl.
  3. Once the peanut butter has cooled, add the vanilla and maple syrup and mix well.
  4. Pour over the dry ingredients and mix until everything is well incorporated together.
  5. Pinch a bit of the mix, however big you would like your balls to be and roll in your palms. I prefer bite size balls.
  6. Once they’re rolled, put them on a baking tray that’s lined with a baking sheet.
  7. Once all the balls are made, put them in the fridge for a few hours to set and they’ll be ready to eat.

You can eat them as soon as they’ve been made, but personally I think they’re a lot tastier cold.

Store them in the fridge until they’ve all been gobbled – it might not be long!

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